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中医词汇    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
离经之血    abnormal flow of the blood

绝对偏盛    absolute predominance

心气充沛    abundance of heart qi

痰湿壅肺    accumulation of phlegm-dampness in the lung

实热蕴结    accumulation of sthenia-heat

行气利水    activating qi to excrete water

行气消瘀    activating qi to resolve stagnation

针灸疗法    acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, acumox

针灸    acupuncture and moxibustion, acumox

针刺麻醉    acupuncture anesthesia, acu-anesthesia

关节粘连僵硬    adhesion and stiffness of joint

午后潮热    afternoon tidal fever

减轻疼痛    alleviating pain

针刺止痛    alleviating pain with acupuncture

寒热往来    alternate attacks of chill and fever

阴阳胜复    alternative predominance of yin and yang

交替搓揉    alternative rubbing and kneading

血枯经闭    amenorrhea due to blood exhaustion

经闭发肿    amenorrhea with edema

阴胜则阳病    an excess of yin leads to deficiency of yang

针刺的角度与深度    angle and depth of needling

表情淡漠    apathetic facial expressions

因时、因地、因人制宜    applying proper therapeutic measure in line with season, local conditions and individuality

升降出入    ascending, descending, coming in and going out

升降沉浮    ascending, descending, sinking and floating

心肝血虚    asthenia / deficiency of heart and liver blood

病症的虚实变化    asthenia and sthenia changes of disease

正虚邪实    asthenia of healthy qi and sthenia of pathogenic factors

收敛    astringency

感受寒邪    attacked by pathogenic cold

外感六淫    attacked by six climate pathogenic factors

恶寒与恶热    aversion to cold and aversion to heat

畏寒喜热    aversion to cold and preference for heat

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