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2. 译文严谨
2.1.1 多用正式词语
招投标文件中,常常用正式词语,复合短语替代被许多英语作家推荐使用的简单介词、连词,如用along the lines of 代替like,用for the purpose of 代替for; 用正式、古旧的词汇替代常用词,这样使招投标文件显得正式、严谨。例如:
参考译文:The amendment will be notified in writing to all prospective Bidders who have purchased the Bidding Documents. The prospective Bidders shall promptly acknowledge receipt thereof by fax/telex to AHTC.
(2)ii. in the event of acceptance of the Tender by the Authority, the date upon which the Tenderer provides a performance security to the Authority in accordance with the terms of the contract thereby made between them, or
参考译文:ii. 在当局棘手了某个投标书的情况下, 该投标人按双方签订的合同条件向当局提交履约保证的日期。
2.1.2 词语并列
在招投标文件中有词汇并列的情况(juxtaposition),同(近)义词或相关词往往由and或or连接使用,例如:stipulations and provisions, complaints and claims, furnish and provide, fulfill or perform, null and void, in full force and effect等,这种词汇并列使用一是通过两个或多个词汇的共同含义来限定其唯一词义,从而排除了由于一次多义可能产生的歧义,体现招投标文件严谨;二是通过两个或多个词语的并列来体现招投标文件古雅、正式。例如:
(1) Such consequences would normally be that the contract is declared null and void and the contractor forfeits his tender security.
(2) 原文:投标文件的澄清招标中心可以请投标人澄清其投标内容。提出澄清的要求与答复均应是书面的,但不得要求改动价格或对投标内容进行实质性修改。
原译文:To assist in evaluation, the tendering center can ask the Bidders for explanation of their documents. The answer can be in written but cannot change its price and content in substance.
译文通顺,也转达了文件的意思。但是,其措辞不符合招投标文件的要求。一个“evaluation”显得过于单薄,难以表现出评标时评委们审阅、斟酌和比较各竞标方案的过程,“explanation”在文体上也没有“澄清”正式,而“can be”则有“可以为之,也可以不为之”的意思,语气较“应是”弱的多,“in written”有语病。

笔者试译:Clarification of Bids To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, the Tendering Center may ask bidders for clarification and the response shall be in writing and no change in the prices or substances of the bids shall be sought or offered.
2.2 结构严谨
2.2.1 多用陈述句
All bids are to be validly received by China National Machinery Import & Export Corporation before 10:00 a.m. on the specified opening date at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:30 a.m. December 20, 2001 (Beijing time).
参考译文: 所有投标书须于规定的开标日当天上午10点之前送达位于下列地址的中国机械进出口总公司并被有效地接受。所有投标书将于背景时间2001年12月20日10:30被启封。
2.2.2 多用长句
The tenderer should be informed that, if he has delivered, posted or dispatched his tender prior to the formal submission date he has the right to modify or make corrections to it, provided that any such modifications or corrections are received by the employer/engineer in writing prior to the time specified for submission of tenders. The original tender thus modified or corrected would then be considered as the official tender.

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