

新闻来源: 爱词霸沙龙
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3.1 陈述句的使用


(12) The Arbitration Commission has one honorary Chairman and several advisers.仲裁委员会设名誉主任一人,顾问若干人。

(13)The Chairman performs the functions and duties vested by him by these Rules and the Vice-Chairman may perform the Chairman’s functions and duties with Chairman’s authorization.主任履行本规则赋予的职责,副主任受主任的委托可以履行主任的职责。

(14)The arbitration tribunal shall hold oral hearings when examining a case.仲裁庭应当开庭审理案件。



3.2 完整句的使用


(15) “Invention” in the Patent Law means any new technical solution relating to a product, a process or an improvement thereof. “Utility Model” in the Patent Law means any new technical solution relating to the shape, the structure, or their combination, of a product, which is fit for practical use. “Design” in the Patent Law means any new design of the shape, pattern, colour, or their combination, of a product, which creates an aesthetic feeling and is fit for industrial application. 专利法所称发明,是指对产品,方法或者其改进所提出的新的技术方案。专利法所称实用新型,是指对产品的形状,构成或者其结合所提出的适于实用的新的技术方案。专利法所称外观设计,是指对产品的形状,图案,色彩或者结合所做出的富有美感并适合于工业上应用的新设计。



3.3 长句的使用


(16)If the bill of lading contains particulars concerning the general mature, leading marks, number of packages or pieces, weight or quantity of the goods which the carrier or other person issuing the bill of lading on his behalf knows or has reasonal grounds to suspect do not accurately represent the goods actually taken over or, where a shipped bill of lading issued, loaded, or if he had no reasonable means of checking such particulars, the carrier or such other person must insert in the bill of lading a reservation specifying these inaccuracies, grounds of suspicion of the absence of reasonable means of checking.如果承运人或代其签发提单的其它人确知或者有合理的根据怀疑提单所载有关货物的品类、主要标志、包数或件数、重量或数量等项目没有准确地表示实际接管的货物,或在签发“已装船”提单的情况下,没有准确地表示实际装船的货物,或者他无适当的方法来核对这些项目,则承运人或该其他人必须在提单上做出保留,说明不符之处,怀疑根据,或无适当的核对方法。



3.3.1状语分句的使用 法律文书中关于义务部分的陈述是至关重要的,它是享受权利的前提和条件。在法律英语中关于义务的陈述表现在句子结构上,往往使用条件状语分句或让步状语分句,从而成为法律英语长句多的主要原因。

(17)If two or more applicants apply for registration of identical or similar trademarks for the same kind of goods or similar goods, the trademark whose registration was first applied for shall be given preliminary examination and approval and shall be publicly announced; if the applicants are filed on the same day, the trademark which was first used shall be given preliminary examination and approval and shall be publicly announced, and the applications of the others shall be rejected and shall not be publicly announced.两个或者两个以上的申请人,在同一种商品或者类似商品上,以相同或者近似的商标申请注册的,初步审定并公告申请在先的商标;同一天申请的,初步审定并公告使用在先的商标,驳回其他人的申请,不予公告。

例句表明在法律英语中,用来表述先规定条件然后确定权利的基本句型一般可以归纳为:If X, then Y shall be Z或If X, then Y shall do Z结构,这种由条件状语分句造成的法律英语长句的特征是法律英语句子结构的一个基本骨架。在法律英语中除了If …引导的条件状语分句外,还常常使用由Whereas …,Provided that …,Where …, When …等引导的状语分句。

(18)When a party assigns, wholly or in part, its contractual rights and obligations to a third party, it must obtain the consent of the other party.当事人一方将合同权利和义务的全部或者部分转让给第三人的,应当取得另一方的同意。

(19) Where using other’s registered trademarks has been permitted, the names of the licensee and the production place of the commodity must be marked in the commodity using the registered trademark.经许可使用注册商标的,必须在使用该注册商标的商品上标明被许可人的名称和商品产地。

3.3.2 关系分句的使用 法律英语中的长句的形成不仅来源于句首冗长而复杂的状语分句,也体现在句子内部起修饰、限制作用的各种关系分句中。

(20)Whoever selling deliberately a commodity whose registered trademark is falsely used, which constitutes a crime, in addition to making compensation for the losses suffered by the party whose right has been infringed shall be investigated for the criminal responsibility according to law.销售明知是假冒注册商标的商品,构成犯罪的,除赔偿被侵权人的损失外,依法追究刑事责任。该例句内部有由关系代词whose引导的两个限定性关系分句分别修饰和限制名词a commodity和the party,另外还有关系代词which引导的非限定性关系分句,修饰前面所指的内容,因此造成长句和句子结构的复杂性。

3.3.3综合复杂句的使用 法律英语中除了一方面在句首使用状语分句,另一方面在句子的内部使用层层限制修饰的关系分句外,还大量地使用由状语分句和关系分句以及其他一些分句构成的综合复杂句,以达到准确、严密和不产生歧义的目的。

(21)Where a foreigner, enterprise applies for trademark registration in China, the matter shall be handled in accordance with any agreement concluded between the country to which the applicant belongs and the People’s Republic of China, or any international treaty to which both countries are parties, or on the basis of the principle of reciprocity.外国人或者外国企业在中国申请商标注册的,应当按其所属国和中华人民共和国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约办理,或者按对等原则办理。



3.4 定语从句

(22) As a lawyer, your goal is to convert the facts from your client’s narrative into a legal claim that states a cause of action, or into a viable defense to plausible legal claims.作为一名律师,你的目的就是将当事人之陈述变为表明案由的合法要求,或变为对似乎可能的合法要求的活的辩护。(限制性定语从句)

(23)Questions concerning matters governed by this convention which are not expressly settled in it are to be settled in conformity with the general principles on which it is based or, in the absence of such principles, in conformity with the law applicable by virtue of the rules of private international law. 凡本公约未明确解决的属于本公约范围的问题,应按照本公约所依据的一般原则来解决,在没有一般原则的情况下,则应按照国际私法规定适用的法律来解决。(限制性定语从句)

(24)The accused has the right to defense, which is guaranteed by the constitution.被告人有辩护权,这一辩护权受到宪法的保障。(非限制性定语从句)

(25)All facts that prove the true circumstances of a case were evidence.证明案件真实情况的一切事实都是证据。(限制性定语从句)


3.5 条件状语从句与虚拟语气


(26) If I have a right, another person or persons must be under a duty to recognize and respect that right. 如果我享有一项权利,则他人就必须承担承认并尊重该项权利的义务。(真实条件)

(27) In our judicial procedure, if a party concerned contests the court’s decision of first instance,hhe may file and appeal to the court at the next higher level.在我国审判程序中,如果当事人一方不服初审法院的判决,可以向上一级法院提出上诉。(真实条件)

(28) If Murmansk’s claim to the ship was upheld, Wally Edwards would get none of the $100,000,and might be stuck for $14,000 in

9 7 3 1 2 3 4 8 :
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· 152年历史的纽约曼哈顿的高特兄弟律师事务所解体[图]
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· 英文合同导读[图]
· 法律英语的文体特点[图]

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